Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Karadzic is a Monster? How do we know?

The Independent refers to Karadzic as a "Monster." Think back to last year and consider: "How do they know what they know?" How have they attempted to justify their knowledge claims? Please be specific.

The author "knows what he knows" based on Knowledge by Empiricism and Knowledge by Acquaintance, "He emphasizes that he spent time in prison in Communist Yugoslavia, and implies [Empiricism] that this was because he was an opponent of the regime. It has, however, also been reported [Acquaintance] that he was, in reality, jailed in connection with fraud." Also Knowledge by Empiricism is later used when Karadzic is quoted "'We (the Serbs) have no snipers.' (The sniper deaths were, according to this version, deliberate acts of provocation by the Bosnians themselves.) He insisted, too, that there were 'no civilians' in the Serb-run detention camps in Bosnia." Due to Karadzic saying that he doesn't have any snipers means he is informing us with knowledge. They have attempted to justify their knowledge claims by "people's accounts" of what happen, even though we do not "know" if these accounts have any merit or not, therefore we have to come to our own conclusions and "knowledge" of Karadzic.

1 comment:

  1. Jason:
    You need to reflect a bit more on the articles provided. A nice attempt to use specific quotes from the readings to justify your claims - but I need even more. Each post must be 20 min. A good attempt to use WoK, but maybe elaborate on Knowledge by Authority.

    Question: 4/5
    Wok/Aok: 3/5
    Total: 15/20
