Sunday, December 13, 2009

Brave New World Chapter 7

1. How does Lenina feel about their appointed guide?

Doesn't like him, he smells bad.

2. How does Lenina react to "naked Indian"(p. 110)? Does it remind you of anyone else we have studied?

Doesn't like to see people aging and sick. She fears death.

3. How does Bernard react to the pueblo of Malpais?

He is entranced by it.

4. Who is Linda? What is her relationship to Tomakin?

Linda is the woman that was left behind by the Director Thomas. She was presumed to be dead.

5. Why does Linda believe that "everything they do is mad"(p. 121)? Please be specific.

Linda doesn't understand because she outside of her everyday, same old same old, world and this is the "real" world.

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