Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Abel Chapter 15 Questions

1. Why is history being rewritten constantly?

We are always writing them wrong.
2. What factors influence the process by which the historian picks and chooses his/her "facts"? Please provide a specific example for each factor.

Are Interest Change: We are more interested in the peasants rather than the kings!
Conceptual Apparatus Changes: We have more materials to look at!
A Review of our Basic Historical Segment Changes: Toynbee holds the most intelligent unit to be not the nation but the "society!"
The "Personal Equation" of the Historian Changes: Before the Historians only wanted to talk about the beheading of Queens. Now the Historians only want to talk about sex!
The Audience for whom he writes Changes: The reading material goes from scholars to kids.

3. What is the "Baconian fallacy?" What would the Positivists think? Would Carr agree with Namier?
"Baconian fallacy?"- A historian only has to collect the facts. That this is true. Yes he would.

4. How does History differ from Geology?
Historian attribute meaning to their data.

5. According to Abel: "The patterns to be found in past events are selected by the historian; like the hypothesis of the scientist, they may be suggested, but are neither imposed nor dictated, by "the facts (p. 166-7)." Based on your experience with the Cheques Lab, how far do you agree with this explanation of history?
I believe it is true because there is no cohesive way to know history.

6. In your opinion, "how will future historians so elect to describe what is going on now(p. 167)?"
They will only pick major events that happened, i.e. 9-11 and Obama. They would talk about the environmentalist with the weather and effecting the world around us. They would also talk about the "age-of-terror" where we are fighting in foreign counties.

7. What is historical pluralism?

Not every event is interrelated.

8. The list of events (or non-events) listed on p. 168 makes Abel ask the question: "Is there, then, no hard core or bed-rock of indisputable facts that the historian must recognize." Does it matter if there ever was a man named Trotsky?
No there is no importance.

9. How is a historian like a physicist

Neither never knows all there is to be known about an event. Both go beyond the evidence, both select their facts and use them, both subjects are self correcting.

10. What are the Five Frameworks or Hypotheses of History? Please provide an example from your HL or SL history class of each.
  1. History is Cyclical:
  2. Historians have selected a certain factor that he attribute to past events
  3. Progress is a philosophy is History
  4. History is a great drama of Sin and Redemption
  5. Society is a type of living organism
11. Do you believe in Historical Inevitability?

No and yes. There that is the best answer.

12. What does Abel mean when he says: "No crucial experiment can test the validity of a theory of history, any more than than it can the truth of a metaphysical theory (p. 174)."?

Historical theories succeed if they fructify ourself understanding.

13. Abel writes: "Macaulay regards history as a branch of literature (p. 174)." How would Jill Lepore of Just the Facts, Ma'am respond? Please provide to specific quote from the article to justify your claim.

She would agree. She says that Historians and Novelist are brothers.

14. How does the footnote at the bottom of page 175 relate to the Shaper from Grendel?

It talks about things that use to be glorious and the shaper talks about those.

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