Friday, November 6, 2009

Brave New World Chapter 4

Part 1
1. What puzzles Lenina about Bernard Marx's behavior?

The fact that he seems uncomfortable confuses her, as in this world it is commonplace to discuss their relationships in public, whereas Bernard feels uncomfortable doing this, as he is different than the normal person in that world, and in many ways is more like us.

2. Please provide examples of Lenina using what she learned from hypnopaedia.

Lenina uses various examples of her hypnopaedia "learning" throughout this chapter. On page 63 Lenina says "My word, I'm glad I'm not gamma." which was driven into her through hypnopaedia, and earlier on page 62 says "What a hideous color khaki is." which is the color of Deltas and another and demonstrates further evidence of hypnopaedia.

3. Where are Lenina and Henry going?

They are going to Stoke Poges, an obstacle golf course.

Part 2:
1. What makes Bernard Marx distressed? Why?

He is made distressed by the fact that Lenina is just like everyone else and isn't "special" like him. He is distressed by the fact that she discussed thier relationship in public like the rest of the people in the Brave New World.

2. Where does Helmholtz Watson work? What is his job?

He works in the Propaganda House, the center for propaganda distribution in the Brave New World.

3. What does Bernard have in common with Helmholtz Watson?

He lives in the same appartment as him; they are roommates.

4. What is troubling Helmholtz?

Bernard's behavoir; he does not seem to be acting normally, like the rest of the world, he seems a bit off.

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